Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I haven't watched MSNBC for any length of time for probably several years. But it just so happened that my clicker fell upon MSNBC when President Bush began speaking about the $700B plan (more on that later), so I stopped there to watch. After the President's remarks I stayed tuned and was subsequently appalled again and again at what MSNBC readily calls "journalism". After watching Rachel Maddow and part of Keith Olberman's Countdown, I was shocked at how MSNBC would completely sell itself out and blatantly endorse Obama for President. Sure, Fox leans right and certainly has a tendancy to favor the red agenda, but they don't come right out and endorse anyone like MSNBC did tonight. Here are a few observations on their would-be "unbiased" reports:
  • After President Bush's address, MSNBC's guest commentator on Rachel Maddow's show was none other than Senator Chris Dodd (D). Dodd was critical of the President's support of Paulson's proposal and also made at least three references to the fact that John McCain hadn't "reached out" to him whereas Obama had. That must mean that Chris Dodd is an important man and wields some influence on this epic issue. If that's the case, then isn't it interesting how Dodd feels he's the cogressional Point Man on this project because he oversees the Senate Banking Committee but doesn't take any responsibility for the current crisis, instead he lashes out at regulators for years of being "asleep at the wheel"? Ummm... If you're on the Senate Banking Committee doesn't that make you a financial regulator of sorts? Regulators manage capital markets, Senators protect constituencies. Where were you during all of this, Mr Dodd?? Either you were also asleep at the wheel or you weren't smart enough to see that all the easy credit would lead to financial disaster. The problem stems from Wall St banks; you are chair of the Banking Committee; so which one is it? Lazy or stupid??
  • Next guest was a republican rep from Florida that openly opposed the plan. See? Repubs in congress disagree with Bush on this! Great balanced representation.
  • Maddow also slyly accused the McCain campaign of racism because of their ads raising questions about Obama's ties to several less-than-upstanding characters - all of them happen to be black. MSNBC shot back with McCain's ties to the Keating Five. So McCain was in questionable relations with corrupt white guys and Obama with corrupt black guys. Okay, and the point to all of that? I'd score it a draw and a complete waste of air time.
  • Olberman cited three Washington Post polls that all (surprise!) favored Obama. Of course, the Washington Post most certainly has it's finger on the pulse of America. I mean, after all, it is the Washington Post. I liked you on ESPN Keith, wish you would have stayed there.
  • Olberman criticized McCain's decision to suspend the Friday debate and head to Washington to do what?... HIS JOB!! Heaven forbid Obama should do his, he's got a Presidency to win and can't be bothered by pithy problems of the greater populace as it may disrupt his quest for the fulfillment of his imminent exaltation. They are Senators elected to office by people, and people have a problem that needs to be dealt with by their elected officials - including Senators - which means YOU Mr. Obama.
  • It appears Countdown with Keith Olberman has become the dedicated campaign show for the Obama presidency. An hour of McCain smearing, so much fun to watch. The "countdown" is only to 8 but I can't stand any more, have to turn the channel.

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