Monday, September 15, 2008


It seems that my dissension didn't go over too well and I had quite a lot of push back in my initial disapproval over the Palin pick amongst the ranks of fellow party pachyderms. I will say that I found it hilarious just how willing so many repubs immediately gushed about her when if you would have asked them about her the day before they wouldn't have known who she was. I can readily admit that while I fancy myself as fairly well informed, I'd never heard her name before in the broader press. The pundits pretended to have had her in their back pocket all along; they just kept her out of the spotlight unitl... wait... NOW!! Yeah, that's the ticket. Literally. I certainly don't remember O'Reilly, Beck, Hannity, Rush, Ingrham or any other uber-repub mentioning her prior to that very day...

But enough of that, we all now have to make a difficult choice between the ex-POW long-time Washington guy who is anti-long-time Washington guys (umm, wait a minute..) and the inexperienced lipstick hockey mom; OR the new King of Change who is the crown prince of inspiration itself, and his anonymous graying sidekick. A tough decision for sure.

I for one vote with my moral compass and that first. This has nothing whatsoever to do with political parties. If the democratic party were to suddenly become the conservative beacon of hope then that's where I'd vote. I am a conservative first and a republican only by default of it being the more conservative party. Therefore, while I do find the whole Palin circus and it's uncritical and unquestioned support from the right laughable, I must follow suit and tow the line since this ticket - however lacking - is my best bet to preserve conservative values.

Do I think Palin was the "right" pick? Depends on the goal. If you are a pilot, who do you want as your wing man - the guy that makes you look like a great pilot up there or the guy that can fly as well as you? Palin is not the best wing man, that would have been Romney or Ridge and you know as well as I that is the truth. The Palin pick was a strategic move to appeal to the Hillarites, soccer & hockey moms, ultra conservatives, and pit bulls everywhere. Will she do a fine job as a VP? One thing is for sure, she can't do much worse than our current veep. It should be the hope of all republicans that McCain doesn't succumb to anything while in office. You may recall that Theodore Roosevelt was elected to be Vice President to William McKinley who was later assassinated. Teddy Roosevelt - Vice President!! And while Palin is certainly likable, tough and full of conviction; Theodore Roosevelt she is not nor will she ever be. So if you vote for the McCain / Palin ticket as I will, just pray McCain will be seeing the same doctors as Dick Cheney.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jason... Not disputing your message, but pointing out that one "uber-repub" did mention Palin quite some time ago as a long-shot for VP pick: Newt.
I think the enthusiasm for Palin from conservatives was because they (we, I) were looking for some reason to be enthused about McCain, and hoping that (ah, finally!) this might be it. The jury is still out on that for me.
Personally, I'd rather have seen Kay Bailey Hutchison chosen, if he was just wanting to pick a woman. I guess it'd be hard to hang his hat on this "outsider" bit, but he could much more easily have justified her based on credentials. I couldn't go for Ridge (pro-choice), and while Romney always seemed just too "slick" or something, he did grow on me as the primaries wore on and I saw him more.

Anyway, hello there, from your old neighborhood friend. Congrats on your new little one!

Jason said...

Didn't know Newt had her on the radar, that's why I love Newt! Forward thinking, pragmatic, no-nonsense and smart.

I liked Romney not so much because I'm LDS but more because he is a businessman capable of trimming the excessive wastefulness of our behemoth beaurocracy. Government is the only entity that takes in revenues, has expenses, but doesn't run like a business. Romney would have changed that to the benefit of all taxpayers.

Good to hear from you! I occasionally take a drive back down El Cebra Way. Ira is still there but that's it, pretty rough neighborhood now. But I'll remember it as it was for us in the good ol' days.

Anonymous said...

Email me. Chad has my address. I'll email him and ask him to forward it to you.